The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center
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2024-10-09 The Gradual Training: The Buddha’s Step-by-Step Guide for Awakening 57:12
Leigh Brasington
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-09-18 How the Attitude of Lovingkindness can Support and Deepen Our Insight Practice 60:10
Mark Nunberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-09-11 Reflections on the Cultivation of Equanimity 55:24
Gullu Singh
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-09-04 The Way of Wisdom 33:50
George Mumford
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-07-31 Healing Our Way Home: Black Buddhist Teachings on Ancestors, Joy, and Liberation 45:06
Marisela Gomez
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-07-24 Time Well Spent: How, When, and Why we Meditate 58:56
Chris Crotty
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-07-17 The Insights of Insight Meditation 66:41
David Chernikoff
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-07-10 Enthusiasm, Clear Knowing, and Contentment in our Practice 43:24
Andrea Castillo
This talk will focus on enthusiasm, clear knowing, and contentment, three beautiful qualities originating from the Satipatthana refrain. We'll explore how to cultivate them as part of the body contemplations.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-07-03 Imagining the Imaginable: the emergence of a new social imagination and spiritual ground 38:23
Larry Ward
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-06-12 Doorways to Awakening: The Three Characteristics 48:22
Zeenat Potia
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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