The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center
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2023-05-10 Reflections on Practice 46:25
Matthew Daniell
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-05-03 Equanimity as a Path to Love 64:08
Stacy McClendon
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-04-26 A Deeper Look at Practice Instructions 41:29
Matthew Hepburn
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-04-12 Equanimity: Finding Balance in a Broken World, Staying Steady through the Storm 57:19
Christopher Willard
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-03-29 The Importance of Cultivating Right Intention 50:04
Tuere Sala
Intention is present in every experience, response or action. Cultivating Right Intention in the context of contemporary society can often seem self-indulgent. The constant demands of being a householder can also over shadow intention and make it harder to recognize the expectations, assumptions, desires, beliefs, and/or energy (in other words- the intentions) behind our actions. Intention is part of the unconditional and thus, a necessary aspect of awakening.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-03-22 The Three Poisons: Past, Present, and Future 60:27
David Loy
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-03-15 Where to Now? Mindfulness in the Apocalypse 56:52
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-03-08 Valuing Tranquility as a Radical Way of Being 56:38
Mark Nunberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-03-01 Wholehearted Effort without Attachment 57:31
Shelly Graf
To keep returning to presence is a brave and noble response of the heart. Let’s explore the role of wise effort in the heart’s persistent movement towards what is beautiful and beneficial.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-02-08 A New Look at the Four Noble Truths: Suffering Arising, Ceasing, and Inviting Deep Peace 61:51
Devon Hase
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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