The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center
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2013-09-18 Spiritual Urgency – Samvega 58:53
Marcia Rose
What brings us to spiritual practice? What has moved, inspired and urged you to find a clear and wholesome ‘other way’ than feeling overrun with old reactive habit patterns of sadness, fear, attachment, anger, and confusion.? Samvega is the movement of the heart/an inner response towards an urgency to practice and an urgency to awaken.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-09-11 Dharma Talk 1:16:56
George Mumford
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-08-13 Dharma Talk 58:26
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-08-13 Q&A for 8/13/13 Dharma Talk 18:48
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-06-27 Bowing to Now 67:50
Ron Denhardt
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-05-15 Dharma Talk 39:19
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-04-23 Meditation, Reflection & Healing 42:47
Narayan Helen Liebenson, Larry Rosenberg
Narayan and Larry reflect on the recent events of the marathon bombing in the Boston-Cambridge-Watertown area.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-03-13 Distortions of the Mind & the 3 Gateways to Liberation (with Q & A) 1:23:34
Akincano Marc Weber
How does ignorance operate? On the distortions of mind (vipallāsa) as the psychological mechanism of not-knowing / confusion (avijjā). The 4 objective and 3 subjective modes of distortion. Three gates of liberation on the basis of practicing with the characteristics of anicca, dukkha, anatta.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-02-20 Caring for Self, Caring for Other 60:06
Matthew Daniell
Using the Sedhaka sutta as a guide mindfulness and loving kindness are explored as tools for making our practice inwardly nourishing, and deeply relational and sensitive to fullness of our life.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2013-02-13 Dharma Talk 54:22
Andrea Fella
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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